Thomas Made up Characters and Episodes Wiki

Season 2 had 15 episodes and twice the characters.


  1. Pilot 2
  2. Footplates and Fenders
  3. Trusty Ferdinand
  4. Edward & The Coaches
  5. A Revenge from Coaches
  6. Edward & the Tenders
  7. The Rookie The eighth, ninth, tenth. eleventh, and twelvth episodes were part of the James Marathon
  8. James and the Frieght Cars
  9. James and the Express
  10. A Rookie and another Rookie
  11. Lessons Learned
  12. The Bowling Place
  13. Chocalate, Strawberry, and Vanilla, 3 great flavors for Ice Cream
  14. The Vacuum Store
  15. The Paint Store (Season Finale)


Season 2 had 15 episodes the next will have 36. It has been confirmed that there will be a sixth and seventh seasons. Both sixth and the 7th seasons will have 10 episodes as well as the eighth.


This season intorduced 6 new characters.


  • Thomas
  • Edward
  • Henry
  • Gordon
  • James
  • Percy
  • Toby
  • Nix
  • Saturn
  • Neptune
  • Sun
  • Spencer


  • Emilly
  • Mallard (cameo)
  • Paxton (as Pax)
  • Dart
  • Diesel 10
  • Den
  • Sidney (cameo)
  • Dash
  • Ferdinand
  • Bash (mentioned)


A special named British and Americian will follow on September 1st. All that is know is that the engines will travel and meet the british side of them. There will also be a battle between them.This is pushed back until 10/1/11. However this will be pushed back until 11/11/11.


The episodes will be 'aired' every Tuesday, Thrusday. Friday, and Saturday starting 8/9, 8/11 8/12 and 8/13

After This

After this on Labor Day 10 episodes will be confirmed for the third season. Also a Halloween(10/31/11) , Thanksgiving (11/25/11), (Christmas 12/24 and 25/11), New Year (12/31/11 and 1/1/12), and Valentines(2/14/12) special will come as part as the Holiday Marathon.


  • Episodes will now all be either 14 or 22 minutes long
  • Dart, Den, Diesel 10, and Paxton are seen before they are acually introduced.
  • Thomas appeared in every episode but never spoke except in the last.
  • The season was suppose to have 18 episodes then 16 and the final was 15.